Warranty Terms

1. Quality

ReFelt products are made of high-quality materials and manufactured with the greatest care. ReFelt carefully examines all products, before they leave our depot, to assure the quality standards are met. However, if the customer still has reason for an objection, the below warranty conditions become effective.

2. Warranty

The term warranty is understood by ReFelt as the handling and execution of a service order in due consideration of the below warranty terms, once the assessment of damage to the product does not fall within the exclusions stated in article 6.

3. Handling of defects

In case ReFelt products have been bought from a dealer or contractor, ReFelt is only handling defects via the dealer or contractor. Your dealer or contractor will submit the complaint themselves after examining the defect carefully.

4. Warranty period

  • The period of warranty begins on the date stated on the proof of purchase or latest 30 days after the delivery to the dealer.
  • The warranty terms become effective at normal use and acceptance of the defect under reserve by ReFelt.
  • The period of warranty is two years.

5. Execution of service order

  • A service order constitutes the correction of an assembly defect.
  • Before its execution, the end user receives an estimate of costs from his dealer or contractor, including travel costs. These costs will be charged from the third year on, or in case the exclusions of article 6 apply.

6. Exclusion from warranty

  • Normal abrasion of the product, expected defects and discolouration.
  • Defects which occurred due to inappropriate use, insufficient or wrong care or a repair that has been performed by someone other than ReFelt or with a written permission by ReFelt.
  • Defects caused by sharp items as well as clamps, knots, heels, claws etc. or due to heat or moisture.
  • Reactions of products to transpiration moisture and grease that originated from skin and/or hair, as well as reactions caused by the use of medicine.
  • Defects or damage caused by defaults in production drawings / cutting files of custom-made products, which drawings / cutting files are provided by customer. ReFelt is never responsible for the drawings / cutting files made by customer.
  • In case a custom-made product is produced based on drawings / cutting files provided by customer, customer has no warranty rights on the product when it is produced according to drawing / cutting file and the defect or objection is caused by flaws within the drawing / cutting file.

7. Damage in transit

Damages in transit will only be handled if they are reported directly on the confirmation receipt of the transport company, and if this damage is reported directly to ReFelt.

8. Other conditions

  • Good maintenance of the product is essential for the warranty claim. The warranty terms of ReFelt apply for products that are maintained according to the care instructions of ReFelt, which are available at the dealer or on the website of ReFelt.
  • Artificial and daylight cause discolouration on your product. ReFelt advises keeping the product out of direct sunlight to avoid discolouration.
  • Sources of heat may cause damages on your product. Therefore, ReFelt advises placing the products not too close to heat sources.
  • When relocating panels or other products, then do not shove but lift the products. The shoving of a product may cause damage to its surface.