HasleTre, Oslo

HasleTre is a demountable wooden building, with a flexible modular design and customized booths with cladding made of PET felt, aiming for adaptability and durability.
Dag Sandven

Architectural Pioneering

With a pioneering spirit in sustainable architecture, HasleTre emerges as Norway’s first fully demountable wooden structure. The architects have yielded an interior that marries the warmth of natural materials with the flexibility of modular design. Envisioning an environment that lines up with its users from Save the Children Norway.

Refinement in Utility

Custom-built booths offer versatility and comfort for various workplace activities. Each component, from cushion to tabletop, is thoughtfully selected for easy interchangeability, ensuring the space adapts seamlessly to the dynamic needs of Save the Children Norway. The structure’s aesthetic coherence and acoustics are enhanced by recycled PET felt wall cladding. This feature not only improves the tactility but also defines the building’s unique character.

Strategic Workspace Design

The design efforts have resulted in a workplace that’s not just built for today but envisioned for tomorrow. Through thoughtful detailing and demountable elements, HasleTre embodies a commitment to adaptable and responsible design, ensuring that every aspect of its construction resonates with the principles of environmental consciousness and community well-being.

In this project

ReFelt PET Felt Acoustic Panel Honey

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Acoustic PET Felt Panels

ReFelt PET Felt Acoustic Panel Denim

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Acoustic PET Felt Panels